Jan Jansson is the son of a bookseller and a publisher who issued a number of important atlases in Arnhem, a city situated in the eastern part of the Netherlands. Jan Jansson, who set up his business in Amsterdam, was also the son-in-law of Jodocus Hondius, the famous cartographer and publisher. Jansson worked in partnership with his brother-in-law, Henricus Hondius, to produce re-issues of the atlas formerly published by Mercator and Hondius, to which his name has been added. Between 1628 and 1651 Atlas Minor was published in 9 editions. After Henricus' death, Jansson continued the business, printing the atlas with an increasing number of maps. Atlas Novus was published since 1638 and Atlas Major, that reached 11 volumes for some of its editions, was issued between 1647 and 1662.
After Jansson died, his son-in-law Johaness Van Waesbergen published, under the name of Jan Jansson's heirs, a number of his maps in Atlas Contractus in 1666 and many of his British maps were re-issued by Pieter Schenk and Gerard Valck who had acquired his plated in 1683 as separated maps. Jansson's maps were very decorative