Tip of the Day: Uqba Ibn Amer Al-Gohani - A Character from the Islamic History
One of the most famous districts in Cairo is ascribed to this venerable companion of the Prophet; it is the district of Meet Uqba. It was originally barren land and was given to him by Muawiya Ibn Abu Sufian. He transformed it into agricultural land and built homes on it so that it became known in the Islamic period as Maniat Uqba.
Uqba and some of the other companions of the Prophet were still living at the time of the conquest of Egypt, and Muawiya appointed him to be Wali of Egypt for two years and three months. After Uqba was dismissed from his job he stayed in Egypt until his death.
Uqba is considered to have belonged to the generation of the companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him). He was a knowledgeable scholar of the lawful Shariaa and the doctrine. He was also eloquent and excelled in both poetry and rhetoric.
Egyptian narrators spoke of him in about a hundred narrations; also a number of the companions of the Prophet, for example Jaber and Ibn Abbas, as well as many of the followers spoke of him.
The historian Ibn Yunis said that he had seen his handwriting, and that it was of high quality. Uqba was one of the people who collected the Qur'an. Uqba Ibn Amer Al-Johani was buried in Al-Muqattam Hills.
معلومة اليوم: عقبة بن عامر الجهني - شخصية من التاريخ الإسلامي
ينسب لهذا الصحابي الجليل حي من أشهر أحياء القاهرة وهو حي ميت عقبة، وكانت في الأساس أرضاً جرداء أقطعها له معاوية بن أبي سفيان فاستزرعها وبنى فيها المساكن، وكانت تعرف في العصور الإسلامية بمنية عقبة
وقد شهد عقبة فتح مصر مع عدد من الصحابة، وقد عينه معاوية والياً على مصر لمدة سنتين وثلاثة أشهر، وفضل عقبة البقاء بمصر بعد عزله من ولايتها حتى مات بها
ويعد عقبة من جيل صحابة الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم، وكان فقيهاً عالماً بالفرائض والفقه، كما تميز بفصاحة اللسان وببراعته في مجالي الشعر والنثر
ولقد روى المحدثون المصريون عنه ما يقرب من مائة حديث، كما روى عنه عدد من الصحابة مثل جابر وابن عباس، وروى عنه العديد من التابعين
ويروي المؤرخ ابن يونس أنه رأى خطه ووصفه بالجودة، وكان عقبة واحداً من الذين جمعوا القرآن، وقد دفن عقبة بن عامر الجهني بالمقطم
One of the most famous districts in Cairo is ascribed to this venerable companion of the Prophet; it is the district of Meet Uqba. It was originally barren land and was given to him by Muawiya Ibn Abu Sufian. He transformed it into agricultural land and built homes on it so that it became known in the Islamic period as Maniat Uqba.
Uqba and some of the other companions of the Prophet were still living at the time of the conquest of Egypt, and Muawiya appointed him to be Wali of Egypt for two years and three months. After Uqba was dismissed from his job he stayed in Egypt until his death.
Uqba is considered to have belonged to the generation of the companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him). He was a knowledgeable scholar of the lawful Shariaa and the doctrine. He was also eloquent and excelled in both poetry and rhetoric.
Egyptian narrators spoke of him in about a hundred narrations; also a number of the companions of the Prophet, for example Jaber and Ibn Abbas, as well as many of the followers spoke of him.
The historian Ibn Yunis said that he had seen his handwriting, and that it was of high quality. Uqba was one of the people who collected the Qur'an. Uqba Ibn Amer Al-Johani was buried in Al-Muqattam Hills.
معلومة اليوم: عقبة بن عامر الجهني - شخصية من التاريخ الإسلامي
ينسب لهذا الصحابي الجليل حي من أشهر أحياء القاهرة وهو حي ميت عقبة، وكانت في الأساس أرضاً جرداء أقطعها له معاوية بن أبي سفيان فاستزرعها وبنى فيها المساكن، وكانت تعرف في العصور الإسلامية بمنية عقبة
وقد شهد عقبة فتح مصر مع عدد من الصحابة، وقد عينه معاوية والياً على مصر لمدة سنتين وثلاثة أشهر، وفضل عقبة البقاء بمصر بعد عزله من ولايتها حتى مات بها
ويعد عقبة من جيل صحابة الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم، وكان فقيهاً عالماً بالفرائض والفقه، كما تميز بفصاحة اللسان وببراعته في مجالي الشعر والنثر
ولقد روى المحدثون المصريون عنه ما يقرب من مائة حديث، كما روى عنه عدد من الصحابة مثل جابر وابن عباس، وروى عنه العديد من التابعين
ويروي المؤرخ ابن يونس أنه رأى خطه ووصفه بالجودة، وكان عقبة واحداً من الذين جمعوا القرآن، وقد دفن عقبة بن عامر الجهني بالمقطم
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