Thursday, May 27, 2010

الفيلم التسجيلي "مصير كوكبنا" the documentary “the Fate of our Earth”

ستقوم د. هاله بركات نائب مدير مركز توثيق التراث الحضاري والطبيعي ورئيس قسم التراث الطبيعي بالتعليق على الفيلم التسجيلي "مصير كوكبنا" الذي سيعرض يوم السبت القادم الموافق 29 مايو 2010 في تمام الساعة السادسة والنصف بالقاعة الشرقية بمقر الجامعة الأمريكية بميدان التحرير.
مرفق الدعوة
Dr. Hala Barakat, CULTNAT Deputy Director and Head of the Natural Heritage Department, will be commenting on and discussing the documentary “the Fate of our Earth” at the AUC Oriental Hall – Downtown Campus next Saturday May 29 t 6:30.
Invitation attached

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The exhibit “Circus” by Ashraf Talaat

The Cultural Program at the Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural heritage has the pleasure to invite you to the exhibit “Circus” by Ashraf Talaat, FRPS. Talaat’s dazzling new photo collection shows the life behind the scenes inside the circus. The exhibit opens tomorrow Tuesday May 25, 2010 at 12:30 Pm and ...lasts till June 21.
Ashraf Talaat, FRPS, started his career as a photographer in 1989. He is always interested in portraying the human side in people. His work has been exhibited in the USA, the UK, Austria, Italy, Portugal and Egypt. He has two fantastic book publications: “People through the Lens” and “Point of View”. Talaat received numerous awards including the fellowship of the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain in Documentary and Visual Journalism, 12 gold medals in excellence of photography from Austria, Italy and Portugal, the Grand Prix of Kodak Egypt 2004 and the prestigious medal of the Indian Embassy in Cairo for his exhibition “Between Egypt and India”

يسر البرنامج الثقافي بمركز توثيق التراث الحضاري والطبيعي أن يدعوكم لحضور معرض "السيرك" للمصور أشرف طلعت الذي يعرض مجموعة من الصور الفوتوغرافية التي تصور الحياة خلف الكواليس داخل السيرك. يفتتح المعرض غدا الثلاثاء الموافق 25 مايو 2010 في تمام الساعة الثانية عشرة والنصف ظهرا. يستمر المعرض حتى 21 يونيو 2010.
بدأ أشرف طلعت - زميل الجمعية الملكية البريطانية للتصوير الفوتوغرافي - عمله كمصور في عام 1989. اهتم في أعماله بإبراز الجانب الإنساني وقد عرضت أعماله في الولايات المتحدة والمملكة المتحدة والنمسا وإيطاليا والبرتغال إلى جانب مصر. صدر له كتابان ‘People through the Lens’ و ‘Point of View’
حصل على زمالة الجمعية الملكية البريطانية للتصوير الفوتوغرافي والعديد من الجوائز والميداليات الذهبية من النمسا وإيطاليا والبرتغال وكذلك الجائزة الكبرى لكوداك مصر في عام 2004، كما حصل على ميدالية تقديرية من السفارة الهندية بالقاهرة عن معرضه "بين مصر والهند".

Discusing the book “¼ Gram” with the author Essam Yousef

The Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage, CULTNAT, affiliated to Bibliotheca Alexandrina is hosting an open event to discuss the book “¼ Gram” with the author Essam Yousef. The event will be held at CULTNAT premises in the Smart Village on Monday June 28th, 2010 at 12:00 P.m. “1/4 Gram” is the Book...... of the Month at CULTNAT’s Book Club. The Novel is based on a true story tracking the lives of a group of friends and their battles with drug addiction. يقيم مركز توثيق التراث الحضاري والطبيعي التابع لمكتبة الإسكندرية حفل توقيع ومناقشة لكتاب "ربع جرام" للكاتب عصام يوسف يوم الاثنين 28 يونيو 2010 في الساعة الثانية عشر ظهرا. "ربع جرام" هو كتاب الشهر في نادي القراءة بمركز توثيق التراث الحضاري والطبيعي، وهي قصة واقعية لمجموعة من الأصدقاء وصراعهم مع إدمان المخدرات. مركز توثيق التراث الحضاري والطبيعيالقرية الذكيةطريق مصر-اسكندرية الصحراوي. ك 28 – الجيزةت: + (202) 3534 3222

The first-ranking prize for Information Technology awarded to Prof. Fathi Saleh

Prof.Dr. Fathi Saleh was awarded the first-ranking prize for Information Technology during the tenth session of the Arab Towns Organization Establishment in Doha, Qatar on the 11th of May 2010.

Dr. Saleh received this award for his pioneering role and outstanding effort in using the latest technology in the preservation of the Arab heritage.

The award was presented to Prof. Saleh by his H.E Sheik Abd Al-Rahman bin Khalifa bin Abd al-Aziz Bin Jassem Al-Thani Minister of Municipality and Urban Planning and the head of the award`s committee.

The Arab Towns Organization is a non-profit charitable organization that aims at enhancing the creativity and innovation in methodologies. It was established on 15th of March 1967 in Kuwait, while The Arab Towns Awards Organization is located in Al Doha, Qatar

Monday, May 3, 2010


CULTURAMA, Cultural Panorama, is an innovative harmonized-mix of a wealth of cultural and natural heritage information, informative and attractive multimedia program and the latest display technology. It has been developed by the Egyptian Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage (CULTNAT). The hardware part contains a huge 180 degrees panoramic interactive computer screen with a diameter of 10 meters that consists of nine separate flat screens arranged in a semicircular shape and nine video projectors controlled by a single computer. An Interactive multimedia software was especially developed by our team in order to display on the panoramic screen.

Oct. 2008 Kyoto - STS Forum, Tokyo - GRIPS
May. 2008 Geneva
Feb. 2007 Berlin
Dec. 2006 Hongkong - ITU
Nov. 2005 Tunisia - WSIS
Feb. 2005 Paris - IMA
Oct. 2004 Frankfurt International Book Fair

Where to find Cultrama?

1- Alexandria
Bibliotheca Alexandrina.

2- Luxor
Luxor Heritage Center.

Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage.

Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology.

5- Cairo University
New Central Library.

6- Sharm El-Sheikh
Hotel Savoy.

7- El-Gouna

For more information, email us:
Location: Different Places

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Egypt Memory Online Shop

Egypt Memory(, the most developed Egyptian Heritage Online Shop announces offering more than 2,000 free images. Egypt Memory is a result of a joint collaboration between Egyptian Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage (CULTNAT) of Alexandria Bibliotheca in collaboration with IBM aiming to spread awareness of the Egyptian heritage through availing high resolution images and products to researchers, students, amateurs and internet browsers worldwide.“Egypt Memory” online shop includes complementary high-resolution images that cover all the Egyptian culture throughout different eras: Pharaonic, Roman, Coptic and Islamic. Moreover, it shows different CULTNAT project publications such as the Atlas of Archeological Sites, Guide to the Plants of Ancient Egypt, Encyclopedia of Great Arab Music Figures, Thesaurus of Egyptian Folklore, and many other publications. The free images available on the web site are periodically updated and can be easily saved and used without any restrictions.Egypt Memory high resolution images are categorized into 3 different degrees of resolution and accordingly in prices to meet all customer’s needs.The content of Egypt Memory online shop supports three languages (English, Arabic and French) with a user-friendly and attractive interface. The site has a selection of online tools, precise search and instant download that meets the demands of the target customers.The site also provides several delivery and payment methods where users can choose between downloading their purchases electronically or through shipment. Users also have the choice to do their payments through bank transfers, credit cards, or upon cash on delivery (to Egyptian residents), all of which is provided through a safe, and transparent e-Commerce environment.