Monday, November 5, 2012

Photo of the Day:  " ثعلب الفنك"   Fennec Fox 
Very small, uniformly pale fox with extraordinarily large ears. Very fine, soft fur, long and generally fairly uniform pale buff becoming paler still on the cheeks, chin, throat, and inside the ears. Variable but

it is uncertain whether this is seasonal, sexual, or individual. Face darker buff but whitish around the eyes, which are large and dark. Flanks pale merging to white below. Muzzle pointed, very vulpine. Ears are huge, up to 10cm long, broad at the base, trian¬gular, but rather rounded at the tip. Backs pale. Soles of feet cov¬ered with long hair obscuring the pads. Tail full and bushy, though not as full as in Blanford's Fox. Rufous above with very few black hairs. Tail tip black and more pointed than in other Egyptian foxes. There is a patch of black hair above the base of the tail marking a secretory gland

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